At Sunland Building Services we understand the value of having a clean building to do your business, we also understand that a clean building or billboard is is no place to let pesky birds and pigeons do theirs. That is why we offer a full service humane pest, pigeon and bird control service, to keep your building clean and pest free.

At Sunland we utilize the same care and professionalism in keeping your property pigeon and winged bird free as we do in all of our other enterprises. As the Southern California area has sprawled over the years and people and enterprise have made this region a great place to live and do business, pigeon pest and bird control has become a major concern for almost everyone who owns or operates a building. That is why we make it a priority to handle the problem of bird and pest control swiftly and humanely without interfering with the natural flow of your business. Pigeons, pests and birds have no business in the workplace, and we make sure of that. Trust Sunland Building Services for all your pigeon and bird control requirements.